Brooklyn, NY

The next 6 weeks or so I am in Brooklyn, NY writing for the first full length album, Don't Interrupt me while I'm feeling.
I'm hesitant even to call it a full length album because as a creative, I can get caught up in trying to make my music fit well into something that has a start and a finish, but with art, sometimes you feel you are never done. Currently while I am out in Brooklyn, I am planning for a September Tour back In Europe, as well as spring shows in Ontario. 

I am not sure when this album will be finished, but I am working hard on it, and when it's got a framework, I'm hoping to head into the studio to start recording.
There are some people in my life that have pushed me back into the music world and I just want to say thanks. Lets just say this album coming out is about the last 5 years of my life and all that the experience has taught me and things I never thought I would do, or could do, and revelations I received about just simply being human.